Sunday, June 12, 2005

Online Investing&Stock&Share Trading: 4 Reasons Why Most Online Investors&Traders Go Broke
Most people are attracted to the idea of being in control of their financial future, but confused about how to start investing in the stock or share market, while avoiding costly mistakes. The surprising facts are that very few online investors actually make money long term.In this article John Atkinson, author of '10 Ways Not to Lose Your Home in the Stock Market' and 'The Atkinson Guppy Articles' shares four very valuable lessons that he's learnt the very hard way

Investing in Trash Company Stocks
Refuse is a serious issue in any society, about as serious as cleaning the water and air, even more so to some degree, especially if you study your history with regards to the plague. This is why it is considered one of the better long term hold stocks to have in one's portfolio.

Investment Lawyers and Trash Stocks
The trash business in its efforts to cook their books trying to keep pace may find itself in some trouble. The efficiency per Garbage Truck unit numbers was growing exponentially at a time when consolidation has slowed as there is a decreasing number of worthy deals to make for a good value, Ah ha Warren Buffet's favorite remarks are here too.

Stocks Options Trading
Online investing has never been easier in the history of the US stock market. Discount online brokerage firms like Scottrade are offering trades for less than 10 dollars. Ameritrade and E trade are two other discount online brokerages who offer trades at about this price. Competetion has brought the price of trades down dramatically over the last few years. If you happen to be a Wells Fargo customer, you can even place trades for much less depending on your net assets.

Definitions of Risk
You don't need to consult a bookmaker for evidence that the odds of a solid return from stocks have been in flux since September 11. As soon as trading resumed on September 17, both the Dow and the NASDAQ promptly shed about 10 percent of their values, and in the following weeks they saw heightened volatility. Although the major indices were again approaching their pre attack levels only a month later, it's quite clear that investors were still in the process of reevaluating the risks in their equity portfolios.


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