Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Will the Stock Market be Lower in October?
Three month forecast of U.S. stock market.

Trade Stocks for Real
I read a comment by a person that suggested that every investor should back test their system for at least twenty years. I disagree and will now tell you why. Back testing and paper trading seem to be the most over emphasized techniques offered by market theorists, educational elite, market novices and/or market fakes...

On Line Stock Trading: Small Cap&Micro Stocks Go Up and Down How Can You Profit?
How do short term momentum traders profit by shorting stocks or going long.

Choosing a Stock Broker
If you were to find that you had some severe illness that required surgery, would you attempt to perform that surgery upon yourself? So why is it that so many people try to make their own investment decisions without consulting a professional stock broker?

Discover the Retirement Breakthrough the Federal Government Created for You The Roth IRA!
The Roth IRA Is The Best Thing For Long Term Investors Since Sliced Bread!

The 401(K): How The Insider Has Stolen Your Retirement!
The 401(k) Is Not Such A Good Deal As People Think!


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