Thursday, September 01, 2005

Selling Strategies Setting a Stop Loss
Its important to understand the psychology of investing. When we make money, there is instant euphoria. When we start to lose money, there is a sudden "deer caught in the headlights" type of emotion, which makes us unable to do the right thing. We fear that the moment we sell, will be the moment that it starts to rebound. We have 2 strategies to help you automate your exit plan and lock in profits or keep your capital...

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Stock Market
Never has so much been written that has so little meaning forthe long term, dollar cost averaging, buying investor ofcompany shares that have a historical record of raising theirdividends year after year after year.

Mutual Fund Commissions
You have heard about a particular mutualfund from a friend, saw it advertised on TV or readabout it in some publication thought it would bea good buy. Next you call your broker to get hisadvice before you buy because he is an expertand is there to help you make money.

KISS Formula
There are formulas for just about everything,but it has been shown that the simpler theformula or method of doing a particular taskthe better it works. It has evolved down toKISS � Keep It Simple Stupid.

Choosing a Stock Broker
If you were to find that you had some severe illness that required surgery, would you attempt to perform that surgery upon yourself? So why is it that so many people try to make their own investment decisions without consulting a professional stock broker?

Living Trust Investing: Income Considerations when the Grantor Dies
A common problem I often see when working with living trust beneficiaries and trustees is the lack of attention in rethinking income strategies in the event of the grantor's death.

Jack and Jill
Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch abucket of �money. Money? They are continuingto fill their bucket with stocks without anyconsideration to the value of these equities.They are not worried at all as they are buying"safe" mutual funds.

Hot Stock Investing ... How to Pick Hot Stocks with Momentum Stock Trading
How to pick explosive stocks&ride them all the way UP

Trade Stocks for Real
I read a comment by a person that suggested that every investor should back test their system for at least twenty years. I disagree and will now tell you why. Back testing and paper trading seem to be the most over emphasized techniques offered by market theorists, educational elite, market novices and/or market fakes...


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