Sunday, October 09, 2005

Growth in FOREX Investing Boosts Local Firm
Emediawire (press release), WA - Oct 8, 2005 Pasadena, CA - based brokerage sees growth in Foreign Exchange investors and traders. Foreign Exchange popular among students, families

UN prosecutor for former Yugoslavia says investing in justice
UN News Centre - Oct 7, 2005 7 October 2005 Investing in justice for victims of the Balkans wars will bring dividends by discouraging revenge, obliging the region's countries to

Game Plan: What Can Football Teach Us About Investing?
FOX News - Oct 7, 2005 Besides being entertaining, football also offers a few parallels to investing. Most people learn this lesson the hard way on the gridiron of investing.

Intelligent Investing: As they say, not all in one basket
New Straits Times, Malaysia - 20 hours ago The Securities Industry Development Centre (SIDC), the education arm of the Securities Commission, has launched a nationwide investor education programme

Q&A | Investing with a social conscience
Seattle Times, United States - Oct 8, 2005 Harrington is in Seattle to read from his new book "The Challenge to Power Money, Investing and Democracy" at 7:30 tonight at Elliott Bay Book Co.

CalSTRS, CalPERS beat investing odds, demand good governance
San Diego Daily Transcript (subscription), CA - Oct 7, 2005 just one challenge. Investing these billions of dollars and adhering to strict fiduciary guidelines is yet another. Add to that

Senator criticises school funding wait
ABC Online, Australia - 16 hours ago Forty-two schools in the Northern Territory have now received the grants for infrastructure improvements as part of the Investing in Our Schools Program with

Investing in individual stocks is somewhat akin to a crapshoot
San Diego Union Tribune, United States - 4 hours ago Investing this way is considered a good risk because you should capture much of the equity premium that can be wrung out of the broad categories of large and


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