Friday, June 17, 2005

Online Investing&Stock&Share Trading: 4 Reasons Why Most Online Investors&Traders Go Broke
Most people are attracted to the idea of being in control of their financial future, but confused about how to start investing in the stock or share market, while avoiding costly mistakes. The surprising facts are that very few online investors actually make money long term.In this article John Atkinson, author of '10 Ways Not to Lose Your Home in the Stock Market' and 'The Atkinson Guppy Articles' shares four very valuable lessons that he's learnt the very hard way

Buy and Hold Investment Strategy
"Buy and hold" is one of the most heralded investment strategies promoted today. "Buy and hold" is also one of the few investment methods where you are guaranteed to lose money 2 out of every 5 years... so why do it?

Seecrets on Investment: Tired of Making Huge Losses in the Stock Market � Part 2
Introduction to Stock Market Investing Part 2

Online Investing&Online Stock&Share Trading: Difficulty in Taking Stop Losses in the Market
TRADING METHODS: STOP LOSSA stop loss is a predetermined exit point. When a trade is first planned, the stop loss is designed to protect the trader's capital. The exact price of the stop loss is the result of a relationship between the maximum level of risk as determined by the 2% rule, the logical support levels on the chart, and the amount of capital the trader wants to allocate to the trade. By varying these three figures, the trader is able to reach an ideal trading solution that controls risk effectively.A stop loss order should always be constructed at the sametime that any trade is planned or entered. Disciplined stop loss sell orders are the key to long term trading success.This article gets to the heart of traders' psychology an overriding factor which determines success or failure in the stock or share market...

Stocks Options Trading
Online investing has never been easier in the history of the US stock market. Discount online brokerage firms like Scottrade are offering trades for less than 10 dollars. Ameritrade and E trade are two other discount online brokerages who offer trades at about this price. Competetion has brought the price of trades down dramatically over the last few years. If you happen to be a Wells Fargo customer, you can even place trades for much less depending on your net assets.

Value Investing: Selecting From The Bargain Bin
Picking a beaten down stock requires a different kind of selection process. Normally, most companies beaten down this far have no earnings to speak of. Of course, if the company continues to earn money, one can apply normal valuation techniques. By that measure, many of these stocks appear outrageously undervalued: an indication of great buys. But this may also be a red flag that things are "too good to be true".

Red, Green, Yellow or Stop, Go, Go Very Fast: Which Describes Your Online Trading?
Ever notice how behavior in one area of life can apply to behavior in other areas of life? For example, I've noticed a number of things while driving that apply to online trading. Maybe you see yourself in some of these?


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