Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Mutual Funds are Dead
You may have wondered why your mutual funds have been going down for the past 2 years. The answer is very simple, but not one you will hear from Wall Street as they want you to send money...

Stock Insurance
You have a lock on your house. You have a lock on your car. You have a lock on your tool shed. Do you have a lock to protect your stock market investments?

Hedge Fund Advertising
Have you seen all those big full page ads for hedge funds in the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, Investors Business Daily? You haven't. Maybe they are being drowned out by the regular mutual funds who continually tell you how great they are...

With all the bad news that has been dumped upon the economy for some reason the stock market is going up. Why?

Stock Market Volatility
Stick to itiveness and common sense � oh, what powerful weapons they are when used for a long term investment plan in the stock market...


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