Sunday, June 26, 2005

The Stock Market is a Roller Coaster: There's Good News and Bad
Recent market trends bring this story to mind. On this emotional roller coaster, it's hard to know whether to laugh or cry. For all practical purposes, the war is over. That's good. But the battle to win over Iraq has just begun. That's bad. The markets in the U.S. have been cheered by the quick success. Good. The Japanese market has hit a new 20 year low. Bad. We could go on. It's been a wild month for news.

Could This Be The Huge Winning Stock Trade You've Been Dreaming Of
It's why we all signed up for the battle against the marketsIn the beginning, when we learn about a stock trade, we read an article or saw a sales leaflet about a guy who took his last few dollars and parlayed it into millions in the markets.

Hedge Fund Advertising
Have you seen all those big full page ads for hedge funds in the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, Investors Business Daily? You haven't. Maybe they are being drowned out by the regular mutual funds who continually tell you how great they are...

Stock Investment Advice
Stock Investment Advice is not all about the top investent tips. It's also about how to avoid losing money to crooks!

Advantages Of Investing In The Stock Market
For most of us, buying stocks are among the best long term investments. The stock market can provide us with a stable and reliable method of building our wealth long term. Below are some advantages of investing in the stock market:

Stock Options Trading Strategies Lean
Professional stock options traders use the term lean to refer to one's perception about the directional strength of the stock. When you own a stock option and intend to hold it for a period of time, you are aware that you will probably be holding it while it goes up and while it goes down.

Analyzing Growth Stocks: An Important Focus For Any Investor
Analyzing growth stocks is an important focus for any investor. This is especially important, since stocks are an irreplaceable part of any good investment plan, and since unbiased stock research is hard to find. Still, we need to look at the big picture once in a while. Since so much has changed lately, this may be a good time to "take stock". Many have reevaluated their investment strategies. The problem is that many of these reevaluations are moving people away from their goals. As the market has dropped, rather than moving toward buying at the cheaper prices, we've seen people move away from stocks, a strategy which has little long term benefit.


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