Saturday, June 18, 2005

Big Buildings Can Mean Big Economic Disaster
AS BUILDERS BEGIN WORK ON THE FREEDOM TOWER in New York City, to be the world's tallest building, economist Mark Thornton offers a history based theory of the relation between super buildings and the economy. Thornton surveyed economic performance worldwide following the completion of each of the world's tallest skyscrapers, and suggests what these events foretell.

You Have a Great Trading System So Why Are You Losing
You've done your homework.Countless hours of seeking out the right guru (or piecing together your own system). Weeks of monitoring your guru's daily trade picks (or papertrading and back testing your homemade system).You've done it by the book.What are you doing wrong?

Definitions of Risk
You don't need to consult a bookmaker for evidence that the odds of a solid return from stocks have been in flux since September 11. As soon as trading resumed on September 17, both the Dow and the NASDAQ promptly shed about 10 percent of their values, and in the following weeks they saw heightened volatility. Although the major indices were again approaching their pre attack levels only a month later, it's quite clear that investors were still in the process of reevaluating the risks in their equity portfolios.

Quality Investment Information: Standing Firm In the Face of Opposition
THERE'S SOMETHING TO BE SAID FOR standing firm in the face of opposition. Interestingly, most of the best stock decisions have come at times when the mainstream is saying precisely the opposite. Predictions like these can be valuable if one is to build an investment strategy around their view of the world.

Most Traders Limit Their Winnings and Let Their Losers Run
It occupies a chapter in just about every trading book ever written, yet all traders do it.It's been preached by every lecturing market guru since the Aden Sisters danced to the music of the gold market.

How to Read an Annual Report
Every publicly traded company is required by the SEC(Securities and Exchange Commission) to provide annual reports to it's shareholders, and the general public as well. These annual reports contain very important financial information, as well of summaries of the companies progress made by...

What is Risk Management
What four letter word should pop into mind when the stock market takes a harrowing nose dive? No, not those. R I S K. Risk is the potential for realizing low returns or even losing money, possibly preventing you from meeting important objectives, like sending your kids to the college of their choice or having the retirement lifestyle you crave. But many financial advisers and other experts say that these days investors aren't taking the idea of risk as seriously as they should, and they are overexposing themselves to stocks.

Stock Market Investments
Buy low? Sell High? How low is low and how high is high?

Advantages Of Investing In The Stock Market
For most of us, buying stocks are among the best long term investments. The stock market can provide us with a stable and reliable method of building our wealth long term. Below are some advantages of investing in the stock market:


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