Saturday, June 25, 2005

Hedge Fund Advertising
Have you seen all those big full page ads for hedge funds in the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, Investors Business Daily? You haven't. Maybe they are being drowned out by the regular mutual funds who continually tell you how great they are...

Market Experience of a Na�ve Stock Operator
I wrote this article based on my real life experience with the stock market. I wrote it with humorous slant, but still hope you can learn a fewthings about how stock market works...

Value Investing: Selecting From The Bargain Bin
Picking a beaten down stock requires a different kind of selection process. Normally, most companies beaten down this far have no earnings to speak of. Of course, if the company continues to earn money, one can apply normal valuation techniques. By that measure, many of these stocks appear outrageously undervalued: an indication of great buys. But this may also be a red flag that things are "too good to be true".


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