Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Mutual Funds are Dead
You may have wondered why your mutual funds have been going down for the past 2 years. The answer is very simple, but not one you will hear from Wall Street as they want you to send money...

Stock Insurance
You have a lock on your house. You have a lock on your car. You have a lock on your tool shed. Do you have a lock to protect your stock market investments?

This Market Is Different
All of the talking heads have been telling us that this market is different. You are going to have to be patient and soon (hopefully in your lifetime) the DOW and the Nasdaq will be back at their old highs. They cite all the statistics about how the economy is improving consumers are spending, the consumer confidence index looks OK, unemployment is getting better, blah, blah, blah...

The Cub; II
We keep hearing about this bear market and that the bottom is "in" or "very close" so we should be invested in these bargain basement prices to take advantage of the next bull so we won't lose out on the expected huge profits.

I Love You, Warren Buffet
Sometime around 1980, can't remember exactly, there was a flight of money from many countries to Switzerland. The clock makers had so much money pouring in that the banks took interest rates to zero and even for a period of time were actually making you pay �% interest to them to put your money in their banks. Yes, it actually happened because people believed their money was going to be safe there. It was...

Price Targets
Every day in any financial publication you will find the Wall Street mavens giving their predictions on many stocks. It was issued here and should go there. It is now undervalued and is worth that much more. Really? Has anyone gone...

The Law of Chaos is the theory of random unpredictable action applied to the cosmos, mathematics, mechanics, almost everything. Those who believe it will definitely think the stock market is in chaotic state at this time. Don't you believe it...

Two for the Money
Look back over the years and try to remember how many different stocks and mutual funds you have owned. Suppose you had owned only 2 different equities during that entire time. One when the market was going up and the other when the market was going down...

How to Pick Winning Stocks
Finding stocks that have the potential to double or triple in value is very exciting, but like trying to find a needle in a hay stack. Learn simple techniques to help you uncover stocks that can lead to potentially explosive growth.


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