Saturday, July 16, 2005

Two for the Money
Look back over the years and try to remember how many different stocks and mutual funds you have owned. Suppose you had owned only 2 different equities during that entire time. One when the market was going up and the other when the market was going down...

I Love You, Warren Buffet
Sometime around 1980, can't remember exactly, there was a flight of money from many countries to Switzerland. The clock makers had so much money pouring in that the banks took interest rates to zero and even for a period of time were actually making you pay �% interest to them to put your money in their banks. Yes, it actually happened because people believed their money was going to be safe there. It was...

Nest Eggs and Omelets
Do you have a nest egg? You know, a place you are stashing away money for the future retirement, down payment on a house, the kids education. That kind of thing. How're you doing?

Stock Market Volatility
Stick to itiveness and common sense � oh, what powerful weapons they are when used for a long term investment plan in the stock market...

Stock Market Investing Odds
The greatest stock market myth is the idea that investing in stocks is a form of gambling!The financial markets are often compared to a casino.Put some money on X stock and you might as well be playing craps!

With all the bad news that has been dumped upon the economy for some reason the stock market is going up. Why?


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