Thursday, June 30, 2005

Hedge Fund Advertising
Have you seen all those big full page ads for hedge funds in the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, Investors Business Daily? You haven't. Maybe they are being drowned out by the regular mutual funds who continually tell you how great they are...

How to Read an Annual Report
Every publicly traded company is required by the SEC(Securities and Exchange Commission) to provide annual reports to it's shareholders, and the general public as well. These annual reports contain very important financial information, as well of summaries of the companies progress made by...

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Stock Options Trading Strategies Lean
Professional stock options traders use the term lean to refer to one's perception about the directional strength of the stock. When you own a stock option and intend to hold it for a period of time, you are aware that you will probably be holding it while it goes up and while it goes down.

Stocks Options Trading
Online investing has never been easier in the history of the US stock market. Discount online brokerage firms like Scottrade are offering trades for less than 10 dollars. Ameritrade and E trade are two other discount online brokerages who offer trades at about this price. Competetion has brought the price of trades down dramatically over the last few years. If you happen to be a Wells Fargo customer, you can even place trades for much less depending on your net assets.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Quality Investment Information: Standing Firm In the Face of Opposition
THERE'S SOMETHING TO BE SAID FOR standing firm in the face of opposition. Interestingly, most of the best stock decisions have come at times when the mainstream is saying precisely the opposite. Predictions like these can be valuable if one is to build an investment strategy around their view of the world.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Value Investing: Selecting From The Bargain Bin
Picking a beaten down stock requires a different kind of selection process. Normally, most companies beaten down this far have no earnings to speak of. Of course, if the company continues to earn money, one can apply normal valuation techniques. By that measure, many of these stocks appear outrageously undervalued: an indication of great buys. But this may also be a red flag that things are "too good to be true".

Online Investing&Stock&Share Trading: 4 Reasons Why Most Online Investors&Traders Go Broke
Most people are attracted to the idea of being in control of their financial future, but confused about how to start investing in the stock or share market, while avoiding costly mistakes. The surprising facts are that very few online investors actually make money long term.In this article John Atkinson, author of '10 Ways Not to Lose Your Home in the Stock Market' and 'The Atkinson Guppy Articles' shares four very valuable lessons that he's learnt the very hard way

Don't Buy Worldcom! A Guide to Wise Bottom Fishing
Over the past few months, several investment professionals have brought up the topic of the down and out company of the day and whether to buy now as a speculation. Last year, K Mart was the big news, and everyone wanted to know whether this was a good stock play. Today the news is focused on WorldCom and its downfall. Thus, some people are pondering this stock for quick profit potential.

Stock Investment Advice
Stock Investment Advice is not all about the top investent tips. It's also about how to avoid losing money to crooks!

Most Traders Limit Their Winnings and Let Their Losers Run
It occupies a chapter in just about every trading book ever written, yet all traders do it.It's been preached by every lecturing market guru since the Aden Sisters danced to the music of the gold market.

How to Read an Annual Report
Every publicly traded company is required by the SEC(Securities and Exchange Commission) to provide annual reports to it's shareholders, and the general public as well. These annual reports contain very important financial information, as well of summaries of the companies progress made by...

Sunday, June 26, 2005

The Stock Market is a Roller Coaster: There's Good News and Bad
Recent market trends bring this story to mind. On this emotional roller coaster, it's hard to know whether to laugh or cry. For all practical purposes, the war is over. That's good. But the battle to win over Iraq has just begun. That's bad. The markets in the U.S. have been cheered by the quick success. Good. The Japanese market has hit a new 20 year low. Bad. We could go on. It's been a wild month for news.

Could This Be The Huge Winning Stock Trade You've Been Dreaming Of
It's why we all signed up for the battle against the marketsIn the beginning, when we learn about a stock trade, we read an article or saw a sales leaflet about a guy who took his last few dollars and parlayed it into millions in the markets.

Hedge Fund Advertising
Have you seen all those big full page ads for hedge funds in the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, Investors Business Daily? You haven't. Maybe they are being drowned out by the regular mutual funds who continually tell you how great they are...

Stock Investment Advice
Stock Investment Advice is not all about the top investent tips. It's also about how to avoid losing money to crooks!

Advantages Of Investing In The Stock Market
For most of us, buying stocks are among the best long term investments. The stock market can provide us with a stable and reliable method of building our wealth long term. Below are some advantages of investing in the stock market:

Stock Options Trading Strategies Lean
Professional stock options traders use the term lean to refer to one's perception about the directional strength of the stock. When you own a stock option and intend to hold it for a period of time, you are aware that you will probably be holding it while it goes up and while it goes down.

Analyzing Growth Stocks: An Important Focus For Any Investor
Analyzing growth stocks is an important focus for any investor. This is especially important, since stocks are an irreplaceable part of any good investment plan, and since unbiased stock research is hard to find. Still, we need to look at the big picture once in a while. Since so much has changed lately, this may be a good time to "take stock". Many have reevaluated their investment strategies. The problem is that many of these reevaluations are moving people away from their goals. As the market has dropped, rather than moving toward buying at the cheaper prices, we've seen people move away from stocks, a strategy which has little long term benefit.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Hedge Fund Advertising
Have you seen all those big full page ads for hedge funds in the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, Investors Business Daily? You haven't. Maybe they are being drowned out by the regular mutual funds who continually tell you how great they are...

Market Experience of a Na�ve Stock Operator
I wrote this article based on my real life experience with the stock market. I wrote it with humorous slant, but still hope you can learn a fewthings about how stock market works...

Value Investing: Selecting From The Bargain Bin
Picking a beaten down stock requires a different kind of selection process. Normally, most companies beaten down this far have no earnings to speak of. Of course, if the company continues to earn money, one can apply normal valuation techniques. By that measure, many of these stocks appear outrageously undervalued: an indication of great buys. But this may also be a red flag that things are "too good to be true".

Friday, June 24, 2005

The Surgeon General
The Surgeon General of the United States says that smoking cigarettes is harmful to your health. It is printed on every pack of smokes you buy. When was the last time a smoker read or paid any attention to it? Don't you wish your brokerage account had some kind of warning telling you when to...

Most Traders Limit Their Winnings and Let Their Losers Run
It occupies a chapter in just about every trading book ever written, yet all traders do it.It's been preached by every lecturing market guru since the Aden Sisters danced to the music of the gold market.

Value Investing: Selecting From The Bargain Bin
Picking a beaten down stock requires a different kind of selection process. Normally, most companies beaten down this far have no earnings to speak of. Of course, if the company continues to earn money, one can apply normal valuation techniques. By that measure, many of these stocks appear outrageously undervalued: an indication of great buys. But this may also be a red flag that things are "too good to be true".

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Online Investing&Stock&Share Trading: 4 Reasons Why Most Online Investors&Traders Go Broke
Most people are attracted to the idea of being in control of their financial future, but confused about how to start investing in the stock or share market, while avoiding costly mistakes. The surprising facts are that very few online investors actually make money long term.In this article John Atkinson, author of '10 Ways Not to Lose Your Home in the Stock Market' and 'The Atkinson Guppy Articles' shares four very valuable lessons that he's learnt the very hard way

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Analyzing Growth Stocks: An Important Focus For Any Investor
Analyzing growth stocks is an important focus for any investor. This is especially important, since stocks are an irreplaceable part of any good investment plan, and since unbiased stock research is hard to find. Still, we need to look at the big picture once in a while. Since so much has changed lately, this may be a good time to "take stock". Many have reevaluated their investment strategies. The problem is that many of these reevaluations are moving people away from their goals. As the market has dropped, rather than moving toward buying at the cheaper prices, we've seen people move away from stocks, a strategy which has little long term benefit.

Stock Market Investments
Buy low? Sell High? How low is low and how high is high?

Exchange Traded Funds Primer
Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are a group of passive index funds that trade on an exchange like an individual stock. At the time of writing there are 162 ETFs with $220 billion in assets under management trading on U.S. exchanges.

Market Experience of a Na�ve Stock Operator
I wrote this article based on my real life experience with the stock market. I wrote it with humorous slant, but still hope you can learn a fewthings about how stock market works...

Quality Investment Information: Standing Firm In the Face of Opposition
THERE'S SOMETHING TO BE SAID FOR standing firm in the face of opposition. Interestingly, most of the best stock decisions have come at times when the mainstream is saying precisely the opposite. Predictions like these can be valuable if one is to build an investment strategy around their view of the world.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Could This Be The Huge Winning Stock Trade You've Been Dreaming Of
It's why we all signed up for the battle against the marketsIn the beginning, when we learn about a stock trade, we read an article or saw a sales leaflet about a guy who took his last few dollars and parlayed it into millions in the markets.

Hedge Fund Advertising
Have you seen all those big full page ads for hedge funds in the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, Investors Business Daily? You haven't. Maybe they are being drowned out by the regular mutual funds who continually tell you how great they are...

Red, Green, Yellow or Stop, Go, Go Very Fast: Which Describes Your Online Trading?
Ever notice how behavior in one area of life can apply to behavior in other areas of life? For example, I've noticed a number of things while driving that apply to online trading. Maybe you see yourself in some of these?

Stock Market Investments
Buy low? Sell High? How low is low and how high is high?

Seecrets on Investment: Tired of Making Huge Losses in the Stock Market � Part 2
Introduction to Stock Market Investing Part 2

Overseas Investing: Going Against the Mainstream
TOO OFTEN, INVESTORS SIMPLY CHOOSE TO follow the crowd. This strategy works in the short term, but can lead to difficulty in the longer haul. It also prevents investors from finding the great opportunities that experts have missed.

Advantages Of Investing In The Stock Market
For most of us, buying stocks are among the best long term investments. The stock market can provide us with a stable and reliable method of building our wealth long term. Below are some advantages of investing in the stock market:

The Stock Market is a Roller Coaster: There's Good News and Bad
Recent market trends bring this story to mind. On this emotional roller coaster, it's hard to know whether to laugh or cry. For all practical purposes, the war is over. That's good. But the battle to win over Iraq has just begun. That's bad. The markets in the U.S. have been cheered by the quick success. Good. The Japanese market has hit a new 20 year low. Bad. We could go on. It's been a wild month for news.

Exchange Traded Funds Primer
Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are a group of passive index funds that trade on an exchange like an individual stock. At the time of writing there are 162 ETFs with $220 billion in assets under management trading on U.S. exchanges.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Stock Options Trading Strategies Lean
Professional stock options traders use the term lean to refer to one's perception about the directional strength of the stock. When you own a stock option and intend to hold it for a period of time, you are aware that you will probably be holding it while it goes up and while it goes down.

The Surgeon General
The Surgeon General of the United States says that smoking cigarettes is harmful to your health. It is printed on every pack of smokes you buy. When was the last time a smoker read or paid any attention to it? Don't you wish your brokerage account had some kind of warning telling you when to...

Overseas Investing: Going Against the Mainstream
TOO OFTEN, INVESTORS SIMPLY CHOOSE TO follow the crowd. This strategy works in the short term, but can lead to difficulty in the longer haul. It also prevents investors from finding the great opportunities that experts have missed.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Online Investing&Online Stock&Share Trading: Difficulty in Taking Stop Losses in the Market
TRADING METHODS: STOP LOSSA stop loss is a predetermined exit point. When a trade is first planned, the stop loss is designed to protect the trader's capital. The exact price of the stop loss is the result of a relationship between the maximum level of risk as determined by the 2% rule, the logical support levels on the chart, and the amount of capital the trader wants to allocate to the trade. By varying these three figures, the trader is able to reach an ideal trading solution that controls risk effectively.A stop loss order should always be constructed at the sametime that any trade is planned or entered. Disciplined stop loss sell orders are the key to long term trading success.This article gets to the heart of traders' psychology an overriding factor which determines success or failure in the stock or share market...

Advantages Of Investing In The Stock Market
For most of us, buying stocks are among the best long term investments. The stock market can provide us with a stable and reliable method of building our wealth long term. Below are some advantages of investing in the stock market:

Hot Stock Trader: How to Pick Momentum Stocks with Ease and Simplicity
Momentum stock trading can be extremely profitable when done correctly...

The Surgeon General
The Surgeon General of the United States says that smoking cigarettes is harmful to your health. It is printed on every pack of smokes you buy. When was the last time a smoker read or paid any attention to it? Don't you wish your brokerage account had some kind of warning telling you when to...

The Stock Market is a Roller Coaster: There's Good News and Bad
Recent market trends bring this story to mind. On this emotional roller coaster, it's hard to know whether to laugh or cry. For all practical purposes, the war is over. That's good. But the battle to win over Iraq has just begun. That's bad. The markets in the U.S. have been cheered by the quick success. Good. The Japanese market has hit a new 20 year low. Bad. We could go on. It's been a wild month for news.

Stock Options Trading Strategies Lean
Professional stock options traders use the term lean to refer to one's perception about the directional strength of the stock. When you own a stock option and intend to hold it for a period of time, you are aware that you will probably be holding it while it goes up and while it goes down.

Exchange Traded Funds Primer
Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are a group of passive index funds that trade on an exchange like an individual stock. At the time of writing there are 162 ETFs with $220 billion in assets under management trading on U.S. exchanges.

Overseas Investing: Going Against the Mainstream
TOO OFTEN, INVESTORS SIMPLY CHOOSE TO follow the crowd. This strategy works in the short term, but can lead to difficulty in the longer haul. It also prevents investors from finding the great opportunities that experts have missed.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Big Buildings Can Mean Big Economic Disaster
AS BUILDERS BEGIN WORK ON THE FREEDOM TOWER in New York City, to be the world's tallest building, economist Mark Thornton offers a history based theory of the relation between super buildings and the economy. Thornton surveyed economic performance worldwide following the completion of each of the world's tallest skyscrapers, and suggests what these events foretell.

You Have a Great Trading System So Why Are You Losing
You've done your homework.Countless hours of seeking out the right guru (or piecing together your own system). Weeks of monitoring your guru's daily trade picks (or papertrading and back testing your homemade system).You've done it by the book.What are you doing wrong?

Definitions of Risk
You don't need to consult a bookmaker for evidence that the odds of a solid return from stocks have been in flux since September 11. As soon as trading resumed on September 17, both the Dow and the NASDAQ promptly shed about 10 percent of their values, and in the following weeks they saw heightened volatility. Although the major indices were again approaching their pre attack levels only a month later, it's quite clear that investors were still in the process of reevaluating the risks in their equity portfolios.

Quality Investment Information: Standing Firm In the Face of Opposition
THERE'S SOMETHING TO BE SAID FOR standing firm in the face of opposition. Interestingly, most of the best stock decisions have come at times when the mainstream is saying precisely the opposite. Predictions like these can be valuable if one is to build an investment strategy around their view of the world.

Most Traders Limit Their Winnings and Let Their Losers Run
It occupies a chapter in just about every trading book ever written, yet all traders do it.It's been preached by every lecturing market guru since the Aden Sisters danced to the music of the gold market.

How to Read an Annual Report
Every publicly traded company is required by the SEC(Securities and Exchange Commission) to provide annual reports to it's shareholders, and the general public as well. These annual reports contain very important financial information, as well of summaries of the companies progress made by...

What is Risk Management
What four letter word should pop into mind when the stock market takes a harrowing nose dive? No, not those. R I S K. Risk is the potential for realizing low returns or even losing money, possibly preventing you from meeting important objectives, like sending your kids to the college of their choice or having the retirement lifestyle you crave. But many financial advisers and other experts say that these days investors aren't taking the idea of risk as seriously as they should, and they are overexposing themselves to stocks.

Stock Market Investments
Buy low? Sell High? How low is low and how high is high?

Advantages Of Investing In The Stock Market
For most of us, buying stocks are among the best long term investments. The stock market can provide us with a stable and reliable method of building our wealth long term. Below are some advantages of investing in the stock market:

Friday, June 17, 2005

Online Investing&Stock&Share Trading: 4 Reasons Why Most Online Investors&Traders Go Broke
Most people are attracted to the idea of being in control of their financial future, but confused about how to start investing in the stock or share market, while avoiding costly mistakes. The surprising facts are that very few online investors actually make money long term.In this article John Atkinson, author of '10 Ways Not to Lose Your Home in the Stock Market' and 'The Atkinson Guppy Articles' shares four very valuable lessons that he's learnt the very hard way

Buy and Hold Investment Strategy
"Buy and hold" is one of the most heralded investment strategies promoted today. "Buy and hold" is also one of the few investment methods where you are guaranteed to lose money 2 out of every 5 years... so why do it?

Seecrets on Investment: Tired of Making Huge Losses in the Stock Market � Part 2
Introduction to Stock Market Investing Part 2

Online Investing&Online Stock&Share Trading: Difficulty in Taking Stop Losses in the Market
TRADING METHODS: STOP LOSSA stop loss is a predetermined exit point. When a trade is first planned, the stop loss is designed to protect the trader's capital. The exact price of the stop loss is the result of a relationship between the maximum level of risk as determined by the 2% rule, the logical support levels on the chart, and the amount of capital the trader wants to allocate to the trade. By varying these three figures, the trader is able to reach an ideal trading solution that controls risk effectively.A stop loss order should always be constructed at the sametime that any trade is planned or entered. Disciplined stop loss sell orders are the key to long term trading success.This article gets to the heart of traders' psychology an overriding factor which determines success or failure in the stock or share market...

Stocks Options Trading
Online investing has never been easier in the history of the US stock market. Discount online brokerage firms like Scottrade are offering trades for less than 10 dollars. Ameritrade and E trade are two other discount online brokerages who offer trades at about this price. Competetion has brought the price of trades down dramatically over the last few years. If you happen to be a Wells Fargo customer, you can even place trades for much less depending on your net assets.

Value Investing: Selecting From The Bargain Bin
Picking a beaten down stock requires a different kind of selection process. Normally, most companies beaten down this far have no earnings to speak of. Of course, if the company continues to earn money, one can apply normal valuation techniques. By that measure, many of these stocks appear outrageously undervalued: an indication of great buys. But this may also be a red flag that things are "too good to be true".

Red, Green, Yellow or Stop, Go, Go Very Fast: Which Describes Your Online Trading?
Ever notice how behavior in one area of life can apply to behavior in other areas of life? For example, I've noticed a number of things while driving that apply to online trading. Maybe you see yourself in some of these?

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Red, Green, Yellow or Stop, Go, Go Very Fast: Which Describes Your Online Trading?
Ever notice how behavior in one area of life can apply to behavior in other areas of life? For example, I've noticed a number of things while driving that apply to online trading. Maybe you see yourself in some of these?

Seecrets on Investment: Tired of Making Huge Losses in the Stock Market � Part 2
Introduction to Stock Market Investing Part 2

Overseas Investing: Going Against the Mainstream
TOO OFTEN, INVESTORS SIMPLY CHOOSE TO follow the crowd. This strategy works in the short term, but can lead to difficulty in the longer haul. It also prevents investors from finding the great opportunities that experts have missed.

Big Buildings Can Mean Big Economic Disaster
AS BUILDERS BEGIN WORK ON THE FREEDOM TOWER in New York City, to be the world's tallest building, economist Mark Thornton offers a history based theory of the relation between super buildings and the economy. Thornton surveyed economic performance worldwide following the completion of each of the world's tallest skyscrapers, and suggests what these events foretell.

Hot Stock Trader: How to Pick Momentum Stocks with Ease and Simplicity
Momentum stock trading can be extremely profitable when done correctly...

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Investment Attorneys and Garbage Stocks
How is it possible that trash Companies are posting less than expected results? Trash Companies are thought of by prudish investors as some of the safest stocks to own. Ask Warren in his Buffet of Essays on Corporate America. Companies which service the needs of the people tend to stay afloat longer and respond very little to economic down turn.

Stocks Options Trading
Online investing has never been easier in the history of the US stock market. Discount online brokerage firms like Scottrade are offering trades for less than 10 dollars. Ameritrade and E trade are two other discount online brokerages who offer trades at about this price. Competetion has brought the price of trades down dramatically over the last few years. If you happen to be a Wells Fargo customer, you can even place trades for much less depending on your net assets.

Hot Stock Trader: How to Pick Momentum Stocks with Ease and Simplicity
Momentum stock trading can be extremely profitable when done correctly...

Quality Investment Information: Standing Firm In the Face of Opposition
THERE'S SOMETHING TO BE SAID FOR standing firm in the face of opposition. Interestingly, most of the best stock decisions have come at times when the mainstream is saying precisely the opposite. Predictions like these can be valuable if one is to build an investment strategy around their view of the world.

Red, Green, Yellow or Stop, Go, Go Very Fast: Which Describes Your Online Trading?
Ever notice how behavior in one area of life can apply to behavior in other areas of life? For example, I've noticed a number of things while driving that apply to online trading. Maybe you see yourself in some of these?

Definitions of Risk
You don't need to consult a bookmaker for evidence that the odds of a solid return from stocks have been in flux since September 11. As soon as trading resumed on September 17, both the Dow and the NASDAQ promptly shed about 10 percent of their values, and in the following weeks they saw heightened volatility. Although the major indices were again approaching their pre attack levels only a month later, it's quite clear that investors were still in the process of reevaluating the risks in their equity portfolios.

Online Investing&Stock&Share Trading: 4 Reasons Why Most Online Investors&Traders Go Broke
Most people are attracted to the idea of being in control of their financial future, but confused about how to start investing in the stock or share market, while avoiding costly mistakes. The surprising facts are that very few online investors actually make money long term.In this article John Atkinson, author of '10 Ways Not to Lose Your Home in the Stock Market' and 'The Atkinson Guppy Articles' shares four very valuable lessons that he's learnt the very hard way

Don't Buy Worldcom! A Guide to Wise Bottom Fishing
Over the past few months, several investment professionals have brought up the topic of the down and out company of the day and whether to buy now as a speculation. Last year, K Mart was the big news, and everyone wanted to know whether this was a good stock play. Today the news is focused on WorldCom and its downfall. Thus, some people are pondering this stock for quick profit potential.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Online Investing&Stock&Share Trading: 4 Reasons Why Most Online Investors&Traders Go Broke
Most people are attracted to the idea of being in control of their financial future, but confused about how to start investing in the stock or share market, while avoiding costly mistakes. The surprising facts are that very few online investors actually make money long term.In this article John Atkinson, author of '10 Ways Not to Lose Your Home in the Stock Market' and 'The Atkinson Guppy Articles' shares four very valuable lessons that he's learnt the very hard way

Investment Attorneys and Garbage Stocks
How is it possible that trash Companies are posting less than expected results? Trash Companies are thought of by prudish investors as some of the safest stocks to own. Ask Warren in his Buffet of Essays on Corporate America. Companies which service the needs of the people tend to stay afloat longer and respond very little to economic down turn.

Online Investing&Online Stock&Share Trading: Difficulty in Taking Stop Losses in the Market
TRADING METHODS: STOP LOSSA stop loss is a predetermined exit point. When a trade is first planned, the stop loss is designed to protect the trader's capital. The exact price of the stop loss is the result of a relationship between the maximum level of risk as determined by the 2% rule, the logical support levels on the chart, and the amount of capital the trader wants to allocate to the trade. By varying these three figures, the trader is able to reach an ideal trading solution that controls risk effectively.A stop loss order should always be constructed at the sametime that any trade is planned or entered. Disciplined stop loss sell orders are the key to long term trading success.This article gets to the heart of traders' psychology an overriding factor which determines success or failure in the stock or share market...

Definitions of Risk
You don't need to consult a bookmaker for evidence that the odds of a solid return from stocks have been in flux since September 11. As soon as trading resumed on September 17, both the Dow and the NASDAQ promptly shed about 10 percent of their values, and in the following weeks they saw heightened volatility. Although the major indices were again approaching their pre attack levels only a month later, it's quite clear that investors were still in the process of reevaluating the risks in their equity portfolios.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Could This Be The Huge Winning Stock Trade You've Been Dreaming Of
It's why we all signed up for the battle against the marketsIn the beginning, when we learn about a stock trade, we read an article or saw a sales leaflet about a guy who took his last few dollars and parlayed it into millions in the markets.

Laws and Efficiencies and Theories of Diminishing Returns
In aviation there is a hyperbolic curve with coefficients of drag that makes aircraft design nearly obsolete when dealing within the boundaries of the atmosphere with the relationships of time, speed and distance equations. Will a particular stock go up forever?

You Have a Great Trading System So Why Are You Losing
You've done your homework.Countless hours of seeking out the right guru (or piecing together your own system). Weeks of monitoring your guru's daily trade picks (or papertrading and back testing your homemade system).You've done it by the book.What are you doing wrong?

Value Investing: Selecting From The Bargain Bin
Picking a beaten down stock requires a different kind of selection process. Normally, most companies beaten down this far have no earnings to speak of. Of course, if the company continues to earn money, one can apply normal valuation techniques. By that measure, many of these stocks appear outrageously undervalued: an indication of great buys. But this may also be a red flag that things are "too good to be true".

Definitions of Risk
You don't need to consult a bookmaker for evidence that the odds of a solid return from stocks have been in flux since September 11. As soon as trading resumed on September 17, both the Dow and the NASDAQ promptly shed about 10 percent of their values, and in the following weeks they saw heightened volatility. Although the major indices were again approaching their pre attack levels only a month later, it's quite clear that investors were still in the process of reevaluating the risks in their equity portfolios.

Seecrets on Investment: Tired of Making Huge Losses in the Stock Market � Part 2
Introduction to Stock Market Investing Part 2

Exchange Traded Funds Primer
Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are a group of passive index funds that trade on an exchange like an individual stock. At the time of writing there are 162 ETFs with $220 billion in assets under management trading on U.S. exchanges.

Red, Green, Yellow or Stop, Go, Go Very Fast: Which Describes Your Online Trading?
Ever notice how behavior in one area of life can apply to behavior in other areas of life? For example, I've noticed a number of things while driving that apply to online trading. Maybe you see yourself in some of these?

Investment Attorneys and Garbage Stocks
How is it possible that trash Companies are posting less than expected results? Trash Companies are thought of by prudish investors as some of the safest stocks to own. Ask Warren in his Buffet of Essays on Corporate America. Companies which service the needs of the people tend to stay afloat longer and respond very little to economic down turn.

Seecrets on Investment: Tired of Making Huge Losses in the Stock Market � Part 2
Introduction to Stock Market Investing Part 2

Most Traders Limit Their Winnings and Let Their Losers Run
It occupies a chapter in just about every trading book ever written, yet all traders do it.It's been preached by every lecturing market guru since the Aden Sisters danced to the music of the gold market.

Hot Stock Trader: How to Pick Momentum Stocks with Ease and Simplicity
Momentum stock trading can be extremely profitable when done correctly...

Stock Market Investments
Buy low? Sell High? How low is low and how high is high?

Quality Investment Information: Standing Firm In the Face of Opposition
THERE'S SOMETHING TO BE SAID FOR standing firm in the face of opposition. Interestingly, most of the best stock decisions have come at times when the mainstream is saying precisely the opposite. Predictions like these can be valuable if one is to build an investment strategy around their view of the world.

What is Risk Management
What four letter word should pop into mind when the stock market takes a harrowing nose dive? No, not those. R I S K. Risk is the potential for realizing low returns or even losing money, possibly preventing you from meeting important objectives, like sending your kids to the college of their choice or having the retirement lifestyle you crave. But many financial advisers and other experts say that these days investors aren't taking the idea of risk as seriously as they should, and they are overexposing themselves to stocks.

The Stock Market is a Roller Coaster: There's Good News and Bad
Recent market trends bring this story to mind. On this emotional roller coaster, it's hard to know whether to laugh or cry. For all practical purposes, the war is over. That's good. But the battle to win over Iraq has just begun. That's bad. The markets in the U.S. have been cheered by the quick success. Good. The Japanese market has hit a new 20 year low. Bad. We could go on. It's been a wild month for news.

Analyzing Growth Stocks: An Important Focus For Any Investor
Analyzing growth stocks is an important focus for any investor. This is especially important, since stocks are an irreplaceable part of any good investment plan, and since unbiased stock research is hard to find. Still, we need to look at the big picture once in a while. Since so much has changed lately, this may be a good time to "take stock". Many have reevaluated their investment strategies. The problem is that many of these reevaluations are moving people away from their goals. As the market has dropped, rather than moving toward buying at the cheaper prices, we've seen people move away from stocks, a strategy which has little long term benefit.

Investment Lawyers and Trash Stocks
The trash business in its efforts to cook their books trying to keep pace may find itself in some trouble. The efficiency per Garbage Truck unit numbers was growing exponentially at a time when consolidation has slowed as there is a decreasing number of worthy deals to make for a good value, Ah ha Warren Buffet's favorite remarks are here too.

Online Investing&Stock&Share Trading: 4 Reasons Why Most Online Investors&Traders Go Broke
Most people are attracted to the idea of being in control of their financial future, but confused about how to start investing in the stock or share market, while avoiding costly mistakes. The surprising facts are that very few online investors actually make money long term.In this article John Atkinson, author of '10 Ways Not to Lose Your Home in the Stock Market' and 'The Atkinson Guppy Articles' shares four very valuable lessons that he's learnt the very hard way

Don't Buy Worldcom! A Guide to Wise Bottom Fishing
Over the past few months, several investment professionals have brought up the topic of the down and out company of the day and whether to buy now as a speculation. Last year, K Mart was the big news, and everyone wanted to know whether this was a good stock play. Today the news is focused on WorldCom and its downfall. Thus, some people are pondering this stock for quick profit potential.

Definitions of Risk
You don't need to consult a bookmaker for evidence that the odds of a solid return from stocks have been in flux since September 11. As soon as trading resumed on September 17, both the Dow and the NASDAQ promptly shed about 10 percent of their values, and in the following weeks they saw heightened volatility. Although the major indices were again approaching their pre attack levels only a month later, it's quite clear that investors were still in the process of reevaluating the risks in their equity portfolios.

Online Investing&Stock&Share Trading: 4 Reasons Why Most Online Investors&Traders Go Broke
Most people are attracted to the idea of being in control of their financial future, but confused about how to start investing in the stock or share market, while avoiding costly mistakes. The surprising facts are that very few online investors actually make money long term.In this article John Atkinson, author of '10 Ways Not to Lose Your Home in the Stock Market' and 'The Atkinson Guppy Articles' shares four very valuable lessons that he's learnt the very hard way

Investment Attorneys and Garbage Stocks
How is it possible that trash Companies are posting less than expected results? Trash Companies are thought of by prudish investors as some of the safest stocks to own. Ask Warren in his Buffet of Essays on Corporate America. Companies which service the needs of the people tend to stay afloat longer and respond very little to economic down turn.

Big Buildings Can Mean Big Economic Disaster
AS BUILDERS BEGIN WORK ON THE FREEDOM TOWER in New York City, to be the world's tallest building, economist Mark Thornton offers a history based theory of the relation between super buildings and the economy. Thornton surveyed economic performance worldwide following the completion of each of the world's tallest skyscrapers, and suggests what these events foretell.

Seecrets on Investment: Tired of Making Huge Losses in the Stock Market � Part 2
Introduction to Stock Market Investing Part 2

Hot Stock Trader: How to Pick Momentum Stocks with Ease and Simplicity
Momentum stock trading can be extremely profitable when done correctly...

Laws and Efficiencies and Theories of Diminishing Returns
In aviation there is a hyperbolic curve with coefficients of drag that makes aircraft design nearly obsolete when dealing within the boundaries of the atmosphere with the relationships of time, speed and distance equations. Will a particular stock go up forever?

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Online Investing&Stock&Share Trading: 4 Reasons Why Most Online Investors&Traders Go Broke
Most people are attracted to the idea of being in control of their financial future, but confused about how to start investing in the stock or share market, while avoiding costly mistakes. The surprising facts are that very few online investors actually make money long term.In this article John Atkinson, author of '10 Ways Not to Lose Your Home in the Stock Market' and 'The Atkinson Guppy Articles' shares four very valuable lessons that he's learnt the very hard way

Investing in Trash Company Stocks
Refuse is a serious issue in any society, about as serious as cleaning the water and air, even more so to some degree, especially if you study your history with regards to the plague. This is why it is considered one of the better long term hold stocks to have in one's portfolio.

Investment Lawyers and Trash Stocks
The trash business in its efforts to cook their books trying to keep pace may find itself in some trouble. The efficiency per Garbage Truck unit numbers was growing exponentially at a time when consolidation has slowed as there is a decreasing number of worthy deals to make for a good value, Ah ha Warren Buffet's favorite remarks are here too.

Stocks Options Trading
Online investing has never been easier in the history of the US stock market. Discount online brokerage firms like Scottrade are offering trades for less than 10 dollars. Ameritrade and E trade are two other discount online brokerages who offer trades at about this price. Competetion has brought the price of trades down dramatically over the last few years. If you happen to be a Wells Fargo customer, you can even place trades for much less depending on your net assets.

Definitions of Risk
You don't need to consult a bookmaker for evidence that the odds of a solid return from stocks have been in flux since September 11. As soon as trading resumed on September 17, both the Dow and the NASDAQ promptly shed about 10 percent of their values, and in the following weeks they saw heightened volatility. Although the major indices were again approaching their pre attack levels only a month later, it's quite clear that investors were still in the process of reevaluating the risks in their equity portfolios.